Managing Partner

Prateek has 10 years of combined experience in public accounting and industry.  He works very closely with clients providing services in Financial accounting and taxation. In addition he provides business consultation and management advice to clients in a wide variety of industries and not for profit organizations.

He also worked in private industry for a number of years where he developed a deep understanding of the issues and concerns that clients face on a daily basis.

At GS he manages clients in many different industries providing them with Accounting, taxation and business consulting services. He works very closely with his clients and assists them in improving their operations and increasing their profitability.

He has a Bachelor of Accounting (with Honours) from the York University and qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 2009. He is very involved in his local community serving in many volunteer positions.

tel. (416) 890-3184



Neel has 15 years of combined experience in public accounting; mainly assurance and tax, and industry in medium-sized businesses. He works very closely with clients providing services in business consultation, accounting, investment advisory and management advice to clients in a wide variety of industries.

He worked in a small business environment in a Controller role for several years where he developed a deep understanding of the issues and concerns that clients face on a daily basis.

He has a Bachelor’s degree (with Honours) from York University and received the Chartered Accountant designation in 2011.

tel. (416) 834-6335